Reading your Bible for today June 3

June 3: Psalm 4:1-3

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 4:1
1 Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer.

When David penned this psalm he realised just how wonderful and loving his God was and is. He knew God would always be there for him and continued to rely on God for many things. But it was not all plain sailing because he did go through many things where he would have to call out to God with all his might!

When we call out to God it should not be a half-hearted attempt of gaining a bit of time with Him or gaining some response out of Him; we don’t have to prove God is listening to us all the time. David grew to know that God continued to look after him every day and so we should as well. It is during our hours of greatest distress where we get to know just how much God listens and answers our prayers. Remember those times during the hard times and the good times!

How long does God have to remind us of how much He does for us? How much does He have to remind us of His love for us or His mercy upon us? We do not have to put His love or mercy to the test time and time again – but we do! We do not have to question His faithfulness – and yet we continually do so!

The more we are willing to put our faith and trust in God, the more He is willing to make sure we get to see His faithfulness and mercy in action. The closer we get to Him the closer He moves forward to us and the more we get to see Him in action. The closer we get to Him the more godly we act and the more He recognises what we do. We don’t have to be sinless and we don’t have to be perfect; why else would we need Christ in our lives is we did not have faults and sin? Christ came to forgive and to cleanse us from our sins; allow Him to do so and follow His lead!

Points to Ponder:
When do you call out for help?

Will you ask God to be a bigger part of your life?


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