Reading your Bible for today June 30

June 30: Psalm 34:11-14

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 34:11
11 Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD.

Have you ever tried to watch TV by going into the next room, or tried to eat your food when it is still in the oven, or tried to wash in mud? It may sound odd I would even think up questions like this which seem so mad they would never be true, but we do some strange things in our lives!

It has been proven time and again the best time to learn anything is when you brain is at its most active and most able to absorb and discern new information. It is little wonder those years are spent in school and university. But those same years should also be being spent in church and bible study. Why should we divert all our energy to learn things which may not be relevant to our lives and leave out the one thing in our lives which should come first and be most relevant – God!

Another fact about leaning is that we are more willing to learn things for subjects we enjoy or new subjects. Our lazy minds get used to things very quickly and we get stuck in a rut whilst things should be moving on. We may even get to a stage where we do not want to learn anymore! But that is where the Bible is so different. No matter how many times you look at the Bible and try to learn it all, there are new things you pick up on each time you read it.

God is never going to turn His back on us as we learn His Word. He is going to continue supplying us with a raft of information each time we read so we will never get bored with reading His Word. Why? Because He wants us to understand Him. The only way we are going to understand just how much God has done and still does for us is by learning about it. If we want to learn about God, we should not go to a football match to try hear the truth. We will not go to a bank to find it. We will not go to a party to find it. All these tasks may be tasks we have to do all the time, but we will not find God’s truth in any of them. If we want to do our best to learn about God, we need to go where He is taught about, read about Him, listen to others... but we also need to change our lives so we can focus on Him and not ourselves...

Points to Ponder:
Party or Church?

Doesn't seem fair? If they knew God too they'd change too...


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