Reading your Bible for today June 4

June 4: Hebrews 4:1-3

Key Verse: Hebrews 4:1
Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest, let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it.

How many times have you come out of a class or meeting without remembering what was said? Or maybe you stopped and had a brief conversation with someone on the corner and cannot remember their name – never mind what they said! We have a great ability to turn on our “selective” hearing so what is said around us goes in one ear and out the other.

God has created our amazing bodies so we can look, listen and learn – though some will be less able than others, our bodies are still wonderfully made. The complexity of the human mind continues to baffle scientists and we continue to try to emulate the human brain in one way or another through computers and what we call artificial intelligence. What we will never be able to do is to truly emulate our minds. God has given us the ability to instinctively discern good from evil, the ability to know when something is right and the ability to love. Artificial intelligence can only go by what has been learned.

Yet we have the ability to turn these abilities on and off to a large extent, giving us the ability to ignore the truth. What is so amazing is that we choose to ignore the truth so much in favour of more exciting things! If we were to continue our lives with a fervent respect for God and what He has done, we would very quickly grow to a point where we are able to fully respect Him in all His ways. We would be able to find and live constantly with the peace only He can give through His Word. We would know we no longer have anything to worry about. Instead we let our minds and hearts rule us by allowing them to make up all sorts of exciting things we can amuse ourselves with.

We have been shown the Gospel by The One who was willing to lay down His life for us so we may receive it as a free gift. All we need do is to have faith in what is written. We need trust His Word to find the peace which we continue to strive for. And yet so many people still choose to make their own stories up in their own ways.

Points to Ponder:
Do you believe what your parents tell you?

Why then is it hard to believe historical truths?


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