Reading your Bible for today June 5

June 5: Hebrews 3:12-13

KJV Key Verse: Hebrews 3:12
12 Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.

Many of the latest fashions in clothes and other things are typically not “the latest” but reincarnations of fashions and fads that have come and gone in the past – albeit slightly changed. We like to think we are up on things and know what is “in or out” - but if we were to dig back into the past we would find all sorts of things are not quite as new as we think they are.

We may look at society and think how corrupt things and people are. We may think we are the generation which is turning our backs on God. But a short look back into the Bible and you will see many generations have done exactly that. We can see what has become of them as well. We can also see what has become of those who have put their faith and trust in God. But by far the more stories seem to be about how people have rejected God and departed from His ways.

If you were to see a sign which said the cliff you wanted to walk along was dangerous and could fall apart at any second, would you still go and walk on it anyway? If you saw a sign which said there was 20,000 volts of electricity in some wires, would you touch them to check? We are given all these warnings in God's Word for a reason. We are given plenty of things to show us what happens when we reject God. And yet mankind still seems to want to reject God in almost every way we can.

We should be looking back in history, reading our Bibles and finding out what sort of things God wants us to do – not turning our backs on His Word and doing what we think is best for us at that time. God is a LIVING God, one who is constantly with us, constantly watching over us; living our lives for Him and in Him can only make our lives better! We need to exhort one another – urgently and fervently remind one another – seek to urge one another – that Christ is our Lord and He is the one and only God. Living our lives for Him and against sin will continue to draw us closer to Him where we will find His peace, mercy and blessings.

Points to Ponder:
Do you ignore warning signs?

Do you ignore God's warnings in the Bible?


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