Reading your Bible for today June 7

June 7: Psalm 119:10-18

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 119:18
18 Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.

If we are to be able to distinguish what is right from wrong, then we have to do as this psalm describes: “With my whole heart have I sought thee”. There is no point in reading the Bible like it is a novel; plainly because it is not a novel! If you want to be able to gain everything from the Bible, then you have to be prepared to read it like you mean it.

To read God's Word is to listen to God. He is the one who gave the writers the words to write so we would not forget His Word. His Word has been kept safe for us from when it was delivered and will be kept safe for all time. Mark 13:31 reminds us of how His Word will last forever. If He has gone to such lengths to make sure His Word does last, then surely we must be good stewards of this Word.

If we want to be able to steer clear of sin, then we have to know what is and what is not sin. If we want to be able to do that without thinking, then we have to get into the habit of making sure we know the truth. We do have so many habits in our lives we do without thinking, but how many of us honestly can say we get out our Bibles every day without thinking.

We need to learn what is in God's Word and not to try and put things in between His Words. Many people change God's Word to suit themselves. They take the parts which suit themselves and leave behind that which is too strict or which they don’t like. The truth lies in all the Bible and not just part of it. Without the whole Bible, we may as well not have it. Without guidance from all of God's Word, we will be walking on our own, still being lost... How many can say the 10 commandments without looking them up? How many can describe what happened to Joseph? How many can say the content of Mark 13:31 without having to look it up? If we are going to be faithful to God, then we have to be faithful to His Word. We need to know His Word and know that He is God!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you read your Bible?

How often do you remember what you have read and meditate on it?


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