Reading your Bible for today June 8

June 8: 1 John 5:1-3

KJV Key Verse: 1 John 5:3
3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

“But it's too hard to do it that way.” How many times have you been caught saying something like that just so you can get out of having to do something? How many times have you stretched the truth so you can get away without having to do something? How many times have you know you can do something, but complained about it anyway? We do like to complain about some things just so we don't have to do them!

One of those things we may well complain about is getting to grips with God's Word. Whether it be that we are too lazy to get up on Sunday to go to church, or just too tired to pick up the Bible and read a verse or two – we do like to make all sorts of excuses about getting out of things. But that is the thing about being a Christian. It is not about having to do anything. It is about wanting to do everything. God has already given up His Son for us so we will not have to pay for our sins. Christ has already gone to the cross and paid for our sins. There is nothing else we “have to do”. He has done it all already.

The only thing we need to be doing is believing on Him. That means believing Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He did in fact lay down His life for your own sins! Not for the sins of your next door neighbour, or your friend down the road, but your own sins! That means you should be having a personal (one to one) relationship with Christ. You do not need to go through anyone, or through anything. This is something between you and Christ.

There is nothing grievous He is going to ask you to do. There is nothing He is going to ask you to do other than what He knows you can do. What sort of friend asks you to do the impossible? Jesus knows what each one of us is capable of doing and that is all He asks. Obeying His commandments may seem like a big chore, but look at each one in turn and think about how He wants you to change your life so He is glorified.

Points to Ponder:
How many times do friends ask you to do things which are not nice?

How many times have you turned God down?


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