Jesus Is Our Shame Remover 

by Aubrey Sampson, from Overcomer

He romances you. He draws you back to himself. He speaks tenderly to you. Where you had trouble, you will once again have hope. That which has been stolen will be replaced. Doors that have been locked will be thrown wide open. What shame has broken, He will restore.

No matter how shame has wasted and wounded you, your Husband-King will pick up your lifeless body and breathe in something new.

He will care for your injuries and tend to your broken heart. He will nourish you with living water, with the bread and wine of His body. He will give you rest and then lift you to your feet again. You will rise, clothed in shame no more. Yours is a bridal gown of righteousness, justice, compassion, and restorative love.

God, who renews all things, eventually gave Gomer and Hosea’s children new names. Their sons, once known for punishment and repudiation, He renamed “My People.” Their only daughter, known as unloved, He gave the new name “My Loved One.” Born into shame, loneliness, and misery, she was reborn as a woman deeply known and loved by her God.

And so it is with us.

You may have been Gomer. You may have been a paper doll, used, marred, and tossed aside. You may have been a shadow of yourself.

But in the name of Jesus, your Overcomer, your Shame Remover, you have been given a new name. Jesus says,

You are Mine.

You are Loved.

You are New.

You are Radiant.

Shame is a topic that crosses any and all gender barriers. Both men and women struggle with shame that can haunt and wreck lives that should be fully free, unbound from past sins and hurts. Is shame calling you names? Does it remind you of dark moments you’d do anything to forget. Today, you can leave that junk at the Cross. You are His. You are Loved. You are New. You are Radiant. 


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