Reading your Bible for Today July 10

July 10: Numbers 12:1-15

KJV Key Verse: Numbers 12:10
10 And the cloud departed from off the tabernacle; and, behold, Miriam became leprous, white as snow: and Aaron looked upon Miriam, and, behold, she was leprous.

When was the last time you were humiliated? I'm not talking about just being a bit embarrassed, but really humiliated! Fortunately, most of us are shared the embarrassment of having to face true humility, but Miriam was one of those who had to face it. Miriam was Aaron's sister and a prophetess (Exodus 15:20) but that did not excuse her from any sin! When her and Aaron spoke out against Moses, trying to elevate themselves to the same level as Moses (whom God had chosen first) God was provoked to anger.

God first confronted them with what they had done and then dealt out the punishment. Imagine the humiliation for a prophetess to suddenly come down with leprosy! Everyone would normally look up to her because God would speak to her through dreams and visions. Now she was being cast out of the camp for seven days. She would have to miss at least one Sabbath and not be able to be near anyone for those seven days. When Moses and Aaron protested they were reminded this was just as light a punishment as being spat in the face from God. Our God is all powerful and to give and take away leprosy would be nothing. But to us, it would be shameful and a burden. If you have ever been really humiliated, you will know that it is hard to shake off those memories. The shame of just one instance will remain with you for a long time – even when others have forgotten, you will still remember!

It takes a real jolt like that to make us sit up and think about exactly what we are doing to others. Far too often we have not thought about the consequences to others and at times like those, God may well allow something to happen to us which will make us stop and think. The last thing we would want to do would be to be the cause of anyone being left out of heaven. But if we are not careful, our actions may well lead to someone turning down God's Word just because they see us doing something we ought not to.

When we do something wrong in private, God may well remind us in private. When we do it in public, God may well remind us in public. Being humiliated in private is bad enough.

Points to Ponder:
What's your most embarrassing moment?

What would you do if you caused that to happen to someone else?


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