Reading your Bible for Today July 11

July 11: Proverbs 14:19-21 

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 14:20
20 The poor is hated even of his own neighbour: but the rich hath many friends.

No matter how hard we try to avoid the 'class society' we always seem to get caught up in it. Whether we are looking down on some person begging on the street, or looking up at some royal personage, we do always look at ourselves as being different to others when looking at their positions in society. How many times do we judge someone by the things that they do?

When we look at people doing things wrong, we immediately think of them as having a portion of evil helping them along – but when we slip into doing something wrong ourselves, we don’t view ourselves as having that same portion of evil. God knows no evil. He is pure. He is without sin. Everything we do wrong is seen in absolute clarity so He knows about evil; He just does not have anything to do with it. He is the only one who should be judging anyone else!

We all do stumble at one time or another, giving in to temptations or things we don't see as being wrong because we are caught up in the excitement. But there is coming a time when we may well have to face up to those mistakes. Just like we do have to face up to our mistakes and things we do wrong in this life. When we get angry with someone and rant off about how we feel or how wrong they are, we do so without thinking of the consequences – but when those consequences catch up with us, we have to face them even if we don’t want to!

When we see poor people begging on the street, we may well get angry with them because of the way they are acting – maybe they are drunk and hassling you for money and you don’t care for it. When we see friends doing something we asked them not to, we may get angry because they have gone against our wishes. But how many times do we think about what do we against God each and every day? When we find ourselves in hard times, we may well find it difficult to make friends because everyone will be looking down on us. But how many times have we looked down on others? God has the right to look down on us because of what we do to Him – but He holds out His hands waiting to help us continually!

Points to Ponder:
How often to you really think of others?

How often do you really think of God's wishes in your life?


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