Reading your Bible for Today July 15

July 15: 2 Corinthians 2:14-17

KJV Key Verse: 2 Corinthians 2:16
16 To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?

How many times do you have to try explain a joke to someone who just does not get it? After the first few goes of them not getting it, you probably start to get a bit annoyed because the joke has lost its savour. The joke is no longer a joke and now becomes a chore.

So many people who we meet will just not get God's Word. No matter how many times you try to explain things, they will continue to reject it and continue to live in denial or ignorance. To those we can only hope The Holy Spirit will someday shed some light into their hearts and minds so they too can enjoy the inner peace we have. To be able to explain that inner peace to someone is a difficult thing because it is not seen other than through your happiness (which soon may wear thin when you face someone in complete denial of God's Word).

We should never try to work out every little thing when God is in it; we may never understand the incredible ways of God because His ways are ways which we may not get until He has the time to personally tell us about things in heaven. What we should do is be willing to learn anything which God throws at us because He is doing these things for a reason. Maybe He is preparing us for something a short way down the line or maybe we are to face something new in our lives.

It is not what we get round to doing, it is not how many people we lead to The Lord, it is not how many people we can squeeze into our church building. God does not look upon the outward appearance as we do. God is concerned with the inner appearance. God is concerned with how we go about our lives, our attitude towards Him, our attitude towards His work and our attitude towards serving Him. If we are going to be true indicators to other people about what we are, we need to be sincere in what we do. This is the only way we will allow others to see God through us.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you wash, brush your hair or other personal grooming?

How often do you clean up your Christian duties?


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