Reading your Bible for Today July 3

July 3: Proverbs 14:14

Key Verse: Proverbs 14:14
The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways, But a good man will be satisfied from above.

Backslider is such a descriptive word because that is exactly what we do when we backslide. We turn away from God. But we don't just turn and walk away, we normally start out by sneaking a bit here and there before we think it is “safe” to continue. Why we should ever think we are safe to continue in our divisive ways is purely up to us!

The more we get into doing something which is not right, the more we are not only showing others we think it is ok, but the more we are showing ourselves we think it is ok! Pretty soon we are able to convince even ourselves that what we are doing is acceptable. We can do this until we get to the stage of no matter how much we read, we still think it is ok – because we are now at the stage where we are filled with ourselves! We have begun to have “selective reading” as well as the “selective hearing” we probably started out with!

Despite our failings, God has given each one of us a discerning heart. He has built into us the ability to choose right from wrong. This ability is what we are born with because it is a gift from God. Unless this gift is treated in the right way we are more than likely to break it. Just like treating a lava lamp as a baseball bat (how random I can be sometimes!) If we treat things wrong, they will not last and give us the same light they should have in the beginning!

Judging where that line should be drawn is something we have to learn by reading and hearing God's Word. We cannot hope to be able to learn this from the world with the world in the state it is at the moment. We are surrounded by so many temptations and evil things we would find it very hard to focus on anything good without first being shown what is good. But as soon as we are willing to start to look into God's Word, He will ensure the Holy Spirit will guide us through our “Wordly” journey. He will ensure He gives us the understanding we need to be able to learn from His Word. He knows we can do it because that is the way He has made us! All we have to do is to follow that Word.

Points to Ponder:
How often do you get carried away with things?

When was the last time you stood back and thought “What would Jesus do”?


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