Reading your Bible for Today July 4

July 4: Proverbs 14:15-19

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 14:16
16 A wise man feareth, and departeth from evil: but the fool rageth, and is confident.

We have a word for those who believe everything – gullible. But you will be amazed at how many people do believe all sorts of stories just because they like the story or they believe the story just because they want it to be true. We don't call those people gullible because maybe we believe in part of that same story. It takes a fair amount of study and knowledge to be able to discern some of the stories we come across in life from the actual truth simply because so many people often do get taken in by the stories.

We have the task of discerning between good and evil all of our lives. We have the task of choosing between what is glossy on the outside and what is actually good on the inside. Quite often we will get taken in by something which looks glossy, but is has an evil core which will not be seen until it is far too late. The one thing we have which will be able to give us a clue about what is wrong is the truth. That truth is in God's Word and our guide through it is the Holy Spirit. So long as we are willing to listen to that small voice, we will be able to overcome our desires for those evil deeds in our lives.

Then there are those things which just wind us up; those things which annoy us so much that we lose focus on what is good. It is often too late to spot what we let ourselves in to before we have gone too far in anger. We then quickly learn to hate those who have lead us into such evil places with such provocation. We are letting our hearts rule us before we have let our minds think about what God's Word has taught us!

But if we are just going to accept things as they come, we are going to end up with a whole lot of strife in our lives and not a lot to gain from it at the end. The more we strive to gain on earth, the less we get to learn about the truth and what awaits us in heaven. The more we are willing to study God's Word, the more we are likely to walk by His side and the more we are likely to gain from our relationship with Christ!

Points to Ponder:
Are you easily provoked?

God's patience has broken all our boundaries. He continues to wait!


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