Reading your Bible for Today July 6

July 6: Exodus 31:1-11

KJV Key Verse: Exodus 31:3
3 And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship,

Have you ever had to back down from doing something because you have not been able to gain enough support, or the support which you got just was not up to what was expected and you cannot go forward? There are always going to be times in our lives when we are faced with difficulties or seemingly impossible tasks which we will feel like we cannot do. There are always going to be times when you feel like you are the only one who is willing to do things. There are always times where you will feel like there is no support for you in the world!

Moses must have felt much like that when God asked him to go forward and take on the task of leading the children of Israel out of Egypt. But every step of the way had been planned already and God made sure there were enough people to continue the work and support Moses at all times. When Moses felt like there was not enough people who were able to build the tabernacle, God made sure there were people who could. He made sure “Bezaleel” was a skilled craftsman who would be able to do all manner of tasks; and he was there at the right time.

But notice also God likes to choose those who are willing to do the work, or willing to learn. Verse 6: “and in the hearts of all that are wise hearted I have put wisdom”. God will make sure anyone who is willing to do His work has or gains the right experience so they will be able to do His work. Just maybe the times which you think are the hardest are the times when God is preparing you for a task ahead, one where He would like you to do something when you are willing to do it.

Not only is God standing by our sides and keeping us day by day, but He is also leading us. He is also giving us work to do which will prepare us for the rest of our journey. He is also allowing things to happen in our lives that will prepare is for the tasks ahead. Each one of those things is done through love – His love for us which knows no bounds. We are the ones who impose the limits in our lives, He is the one who is working to break down those limits we have imposed!

Points to Ponder:
What limits do you impose on your life?

Are you willing to let God take control of your life?


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