Reading your Bible for Today July 7

July 7: 2 Chronicles 1:4-12

KJV Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 1:10
10 Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people: for who can judge this thy people, that is so great?

It is undisputed that Solomon was the wisest king in history. But where did he get it from? The answer is simple; it is what God gave to him when Solomon asked for it. But notice how he went about it.

Solomon first wanted to show God how much He meant to him. He did this by giving God a portion of his inheritance which David (his father) had given to him. He offered this to God in the form of 1000 burnt offerings. Normal people would give one, celebrations would sometimes call for 10, crowning of a king sometimes reached in the realms of 100; but Solomon wanted to give God all the glory rather than keeping any part of it. (Note the altar was the same one which Bezaleel had made for Moses more than 700 years previously).

When God had seen his sincerity, He approached Solomon and asked what he would like. Solomon's request showed just how unselfish he was. He asked for the wisdom and knowledge to be able to rule the kingdom given to him by God. And as can be seen from God's response, Solomon did not just say these things to get the job; he really meant it in his heart. God's response was to give him so much more than what he had asked for because of his unselfishness.

So many times in our lives we get caught up in our self-centred attitudes and we leave out the wants and needs of others. We do not need half of the things which we desire. We do not require half the things we think we need. And yet we are always on the hunt for bigger and better things for our lives. If only we would acknowledge God as our God and give Him all the praise for what He does supply for us. If only we could give Him all the glory instead of seeking it for ourselves – well, it's not easy, but it is possible. All we need to do is change our attitude towards Him. If we treat God as our God instead of as a king or ruler, we may just get somewhere!

Points to Ponder:
Who is number one in your life?

Where does God come when you are having a ball?


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