Reading your Bible for Today July 8

July 8: Psalm 14:4-5

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 14:4
4 Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up my people as they eat bread, and call not upon the LORD.

Bump! Somebody walks into you. You spin round shouting “Are you blind!” Been there? Done that? We often do things out of rage which we can look back on and think how stupid they are – something which we could see on a program which shows the silly things people do and say! The psalmist here writes one of those things. “Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge?” Well, no, they don't know God otherwise they would not be doing those terrible things!

But just like the person walking into you, these words do have a deeper meaning. We spin round and ask the person if they are blind because they are acting as if they were blind, or even blindfolded. The psalmist talks about people being without God or hiding their belief. This is something many of us often do. Just like Peter hiding his belief in Christ three times before the cockerel crowed, we do often hide our belief in God for fear of being mocked or discouraged in some way.

But we also may be guilty of trying to hide our knowledge from ourselves so that we can go out and do something wrong! Think back at those times when you knew you were doing wrong, but you continued to do it anyway. Why? Because you just “had to!” If we all were to keep God constantly in our minds we would be able to withstand such temptations.

Is it any wonder, then that people who have no thought for God can influence our own lives so easily? Is it any wonder they can tempt us to do things so easily? And they do so without any fear of recourse! They don't know what is going to happen because they are hiding from the truth. But if they were to be exposed to the truth in some way, the seed would be planted and just maybe they would be able to see the error of their ways before it is too late for them. God is with us and He can give us the strength to show people His truth. All we need do is to call upon Him when we need Him. If they were to see our strength coming from God, God would have a simpler task of convincing them!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you state the obvious?

How often do you state God's Word?


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