Idolatry of the Heart

Scripture: Don’t be controlled by your body. Kill every desire for the wrong kind of sex. Don’t be immoral or indecent or have evil thoughts. Don’t be greedy, which is the same as worshiping idols.”  (Colossians 3:5)

One reason people need prayer with daily Bible reading is that we’re not aware of all our evil desires. Some things from which we try to get meaning, security and satisfaction are obviously wrong things. Immorality and impure acts are examples of that. Others are much more subtle. We need God to reveal them to us.

“…I would not have known what it means to want something that belongs to someone else, unless the Law had told me not to do that.’” (Romans 7:7)

Have you made a habit of meeting with God over His Word each day? If not, respond to this email and ask for ideas. Someone will be happy to share their own practice with you.


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