The Resting Place

I usually enjoyed the ride into town on my motor scooter, but that day my mind wasn’t on the beautiful scenery or the perfect weather. It had been a busy previous two months. One coworker and I had tried to keep up with every aspect of our volunteer work while the rest of our team was away, and now that they were back, instead of the rest I had hoped for, the workload had increased.

I really deserve a break, I thought, but there’s not much chance of that! Enveloped in a fog of self-pity, I never saw the speeding motorcycle until it crashed into me.

In shock, I picked myself up from the street and began pushing the scooter to a repair shop down the street. The shop owner had heard the crash, rushed to help me, and quickly checked me for injuries. “You should go to the hospital,” he said, “and have that hand looked at.”

I looked down and realized I was clutching my left wrist. Several minutes later, serious pain set in.

I clenched my teeth on the ride to the hospital. I’d never felt such strong pain. I thought my wrist might be broken.

As I waited at the hospital to be examined, I closed my eyes and attempted to block out everything for a moment.Jesus, why did this happen? I prayed.

As soon as I formed the question, the answer came. You have been trying to do My work without My power. Come to Me, you who labor and are heavy laden, and you will find rest for your soul. I had gotten so wrapped up in work that I had been neglecting my time with Him. I had thought I needed time to myself, but what I really needed was more time with Him, getting rested and refreshed in spirit.

I’m so sorry, Lord, I answered. Please heal my wrist.

The x-rays showed no serious damage, and the doctor diagnosed it as a bad sprain.

For the next couple of weeks, the brace on my wrist was a constant reminder to not push on in my own strength, but to spend more time with Jesus, drawing on His strength and including Him more in my planning and work. Not surprisingly, everything became easier and went smoother. Despite my sprained wrist, I got more done, not less, and the stress lessened.

Now I try to not let a day go by without taking that time with Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 ESV – Pray without ceasing.

Psalm 62:5 ESV – For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from him.

Psalm 46:10 ESV – “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”


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