As Long As You Both Shall Live

by Craig Groeschel, From This Day Forward

Today...As I reflect over my past, my mistakes, my sins, I have to admit that I’m completely undeserving to have a good, God-honoring marriage. (Amy would tell you the same thing about herself.) Before I was a Christian, I cheated on every girlfriend I ever had — every single one. Amy is the only girl that I’ve ever been faithful to. In fact, even as a young Christian, I wondered if I had what it took to be a faithful, godly husband. And the truth is I didn’t. The same is true today. I really don’t have what it takes. That’s why I love the phrase most couples say in their wedding vows:

“I promise to be faithful to my spouse as long as we both shall live, so help me, God.”

I need God in order to love another person unconditionally. I need His help to overlook offenses. I need His help to guard myself against all the temptations that lurk around every corner. I need His help to become more like Christ so I can lay down my life for Amy. Without Him, our marriage wouldn’t be anything special. Odds are it would end badly, just like so many do.

But by making Him our One, He makes us one. And no one can un-one what God makes one.

The same can be true for you. You can have the marriage God wants you to have. But you can’t have it without God’s help. No matter what’s happened in your past, this is a new day. A new chance. A new beginning.

From this day forward, things can be different.

From this day forward, you can find healing.

From this day forward, you can be more intimate.

From this day forward, you can truly forgive as you’ve been forgiven.

From this day forward, you can become closer to your spouse than you’ve ever been before.

Just remember: the past is the past. You can’t change it. But God can change your future. He can take what the enemy meant for evil and use it for good.

What could have destroyed your marriage, God can use to make you stronger, closer, and give you an unbreakable bond.

It might feel like you have too much to overcome. You don’t.

It might seem like the damage is too great to be repaired. It’s not.

You might not think you have what it takes. You don’t. But God does.

Don’t let this be complicated. It doesn’t have to be. Keep your marriage simple, focused, and Christ-centered.

No matter what’s happened before, you will seek the One with your two. He is your source. Your strength. Your sustainer.

You will fight fair. You don’t fight for victory; you fight from the victory God has given you. Together you will find resolution. And your differences won’t divide you; they’ll strengthen you.

You will enjoy each other like you once did, having fun the way God intended. Face to face. Side to side. Belly button to belly button.

You will reject the poisons of impurity, and you’ll stay pure. You’ve resolved that even just a moment of impurity is not worth it. Not even a hint.

And because God never gave up on you, you will never give up on Him or on your marriage.

From this day forward

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. — Ephesians 4:32

Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. — Colossians 3:13

God, help me! Maybe that’s what you need to pray today. Lord, the only way I can forgive this person and move toward peace, reconciliation and healing is with Your help from this day forward. He will empower you. Father, without You I cannot be a godly wife or husband, but with Your strength, I can have a loving, fair, belly button to belly button marriage. Lead me. Pray today for your marriage!


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