Parenting Anew: Superhero to the Rescue

from Daily Guideposts 2017

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer… — Psalm 18:2 (NIV)

Today, the responsibility of raising my grandson, Logan, was heavy on my mind, as I wondered how long my husband, Chuck, and I could manage this challenge, which was going on two years. My quiet reverie was broken as first Chuck, then Logan, joined me.

“I’m here to protect you!” Logan announced, stomping into the kitchen. Wearing a red cape, mask, armbands, and belt, he carried a foam shield and sword.

“So what’s your name?” Chuck tried to keep a straight face.

“Super Logan Anthony Batman Big!” Logan crossed his arms in classic superhero form.

“Would you like to escort me to the grocery store, Super Logan Anthony Batman Big? I could use some protection.”

“Yes!” My superhero strode out the back door.

At the store, Logan stood guard at the automatic door, keeping it open until I entered, and then preceded me down the aisles, a serious threat to any villains. Customers and store employees smiled, playing along. “Hello, Superman!” “Hi, Captain America!” Logan proudly corrected them with his official name.

Back in the car, I told him that I appreciated having a superhero looking out for me. Removing his mask, he said, “I’m really Logan Anthony Lyttle. I’m not really Super Logan Anthony Batman Big, but everybody thought I was!”

“You still did an excellent job protecting me,” I assured him.

Logan was only pretending to be a superhero, and his wish to protect me was heartwarming. But Chuck and I really do have a superhero: God, Who protects all of us, even our little superhero Logan.

Thank You, God, for being our rock, fortress, and deliverer.

—Marilyn Turk

Digging Deeper: Psalm 5:11

Today, let’s remember that we have a God we can fully trust in!  defended by God Himself!


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