God Has a Purpose

by Joni Eareckson Tada, A Spectacle of Glory

Exodus 8:32; Exodus 10:20

We know from James 1:13 that God does not — will not — inject the idea of evil into anyone’s heart. So how is it that we read in the book of Exodus that “the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart” so Pharaoh wouldn’t let the Israelites go?

God is constantly staving off evil, restraining the fury of Satan so that harm and calamity do not overwhelm us. The devil can only do what God allows. Every once in a while, however, God lifts His hand of restraining grace to allow evil people to carry out their wicked plans, but only as it serves God’s higher purposes.

Has someone caused you harm? Hurt or maligned you? You can praise God today that He is in control of even that painful situation. If God allowed it, He has a purpose in it. We may not understand His reasons, but we know His intent. It is for our good and His glory.


Holy and righteous Father, I bow before Your infinite wisdom. I certainly can’t trust my limited knowledge or my emotions in situations like these. Honestly, it sometimes doesn’t make sense why You allow what You allow in this broken world of ours. But again, I will put my trust in Your wisdom and goodness and in Your love for me.

Has someone caused you harm? God knows, and He sees, and He cares. You can talk to Him about it. And, you can know that He is in control and will not allow evil to go on forever. Bring your heart to Him today. 


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