God Made You For a Purpose: Find Where You Shine

by Natalie Grant, from Finding Your Voice

Your unique tessitura* isn’t a concession. It’s the acceptance of who you really are. There is power in that. It means you are living and working from a position of strength, which is not only empowering but allows you to have a greater impact on the world around you. It’s your thrive zone.

Striving to sing in a range that’s not your own or living in a way that’s forced is a selfish way to live. Can you image Beyoncé trying to rap like Lecrae? Or Pharrell Williams trying to channel Adele? I just don’t see that working. Not only is it just odd, but they would also be short-changing themselves, their unique talent, and their fans.

Similarly, if you’re trying to make it in a profession that is not for you or pursue something for the sole purpose of proving that you can do it, that’s a selfish way to live. Your intention is to prove that you’re better or just as good as someone else. You’re basically telling God that you’re a little bored with His plan for your life or how He made you, so you’re going to do it your way.

It’s not a viable way to live.

Even if you manage to pull it off and achieve some success in worldly terms, life is going to feel somewhat hollow and without purpose.

So what do you do?

Do what a good singer does. They sit at a piano and they sing scales and exercises and work their way up and down the keyboard to discover the natural brilliance of their voice — or where the vocal quality diminishes. It’s not a glamorous or very fun exercise, but a prudent and helpful one.

Perhaps it’s time to sit down with a piece of paper and run up and down the scales that comprise your life. Look at your life. What’s working—in your family, your friendships, your daily rhythms, your career, your personal walk with Jesus? What’s not working in these areas? When do you feel relaxed and happy? When do you feel uncomfortable? What things seem to always go well? What things seem to always fall apart? Is there a particular role you have aimed for but have come up short time and time again? Is there a profession that you have walked away from despite it being a good fit with your skills and experience?

What’s your end game? Are you working to prove something? Or to do something? Are you praying about your life and the scope of it?

Are you listening for God’s instruction and timing or are you just taking it into your own hands?

These aren’t easy questions and certainly aren’t meant to make you feel bad about yourself. Quite the opposite, in fact. They’re intended to help you assess what in your life is contributing to or impeding your overall happiness and sense of purpose. Stop wasting time trying to be someone you’re not.

I have a friend who was in the journalism arena of the music business for years before jumping into the role of a publicist. She wasn’t necessarily happy in the new position, but the salary was better and the company more high profile, and it seemed overall like a step up the cultural and corporate ladder.

Soon into her new job, she wrote a bio for one of her artists, a well-known, well-established group. One of the singers told her that she was “a writer pretending to be a publicist.”

That singer was right. Not long after, the position was eliminated, and my friend returned to her roots... she returned to the arena in which God had created her to shine.

Are you pretending to be something you’re not? Are you afraid that if you don’t measure up to others that you’re worthless? Like Abraham and Sarah, are you impatiently or fearfully standing in the wings, assuming God’s promises have passed you by?

It’s time to stop bashing your skills and your nature.

God knit you together. He doesn’t make mistakes. You are exactly who you are supposed to be. It is now your decision to embrace and live in the fullness of purpose or to run from it.

It’s okay if you’ve slighted your nature in the past. Both Abraham and Sarah laughed in the face of God! It didn’t deter His plan or blessing. Nothing you do, think, feel, or say is too much for Him. It is impossible for you to diminish His love for you. Why do you continue to diminish your love for yourself?

Like a singer’s voice soaring within their tessitura, when we are living fully within our thrive zones, we begin to operate from the center of our strengths. And we begin to see a fuller picture of the kind of impossible miracles God is capable of.

Within your range lies a specific span of notes that trained singers refer to as “tessitura.” It's your unique vocal range where you truly shine. Your sweet spot.

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Are you living in your thrive zone? Are you shining in your sweet spot? If not, why not? God made you for a great purpose! Go live it out!


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