Reading your Bible for Today February 12

February 12: Luke 6:20-26

KJV Key Verse: Luke 6:20
20 And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said,Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God.

How many programs do you see on television which proclaim that we have to live for here and now because we may not see tomorrow? I bet there are many, both Christian and non-Christian too! So many people do, unfortunately, focus on the wrong things when they think of that statement. They focus on themselves and what they are and what they can do and what they have; basically self-seeking and self-centred. But God wants us to look upon the bigger picture, the picture that does not focus on just our lives, but eternity too.

When Christ told the disciples that the poor were blessed, He did not mean everyone should give everything away and live as poor people, but that the poor are better off because they can focus on what they have rather than what they have! Yes, there is a difference! When we have nothing, we focus on what little we have that is close to us. When we have everything, then our focus is diluted somewhat and we focus on everything that we do have or something we just want – we lose focus on the things which are important to us because of everything we do have!

When we are able to focus on what little we have, then we start to see the things which are true and start to pick up on things God is able to do in our lives. But as long as we are rich and not thinking about God, very little will lead us to Him. Many people surmise that Christians are weak people who have had to turn to God. Well, many have turned to God for help, not because we are weak though, but because we were at such a low ebb in our lives that we were able to see the truth and able to act upon it. But for those who cannot see the wood from the trees, they continue blindly on, following their precious things in life and ignoring the truth.

God allows things into our lives to get us to focus on what is important, Him… what we should be looking up to, Him… and who we should be turning to, Him.

Points to Ponder:
In your group of friends, who has the best focus on life?

Why are Christians seen to be happy all the time?


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