Reading your Bible for Today February 13

February 13: Proverbs 19:1-2

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 19:2
2 Also, that the soul be without knowledge, it is not good; and he that hasteth with his feet sinneth.

God gives us understanding through the Holy Spirit; through The Holy Spirit we are able to learn what God has in store for us and even how we are blessed. No matter how much money, wealth, power or whatever we have here on earth, it is nothing when compared to what we can attain through Christ. By walking in His statutes (or following His commandments) we are able to live our daily lives with integrity. No matter how much we have in earthly goods, nothing can compare to that when our souls are involved.

We need not look too far to see the ways of the people around us, the ways of the people who so many look up to; yet what we see may not allow us to look up to them with all honesty. We may well see the ways they do things as being contra to God's commandments or without integrity; basically against God. The more light the Holy Spirit is able to show us, the more we realise how others seek after foolish desires not knowing the longer term impact of their ways.

It is only through wisdom given to us by the Holy Spirit that we are able to understand what God would have us to do. In doing so we find out what is good for our souls, we find out what can give us eternal life and we cling to it with a faith that makes us whole. If we do not go forward and seek this wisdom, we will not learn all that is good. We will fall short of the mark and feel like there is something missing from our lives. With those feelings of something missing comes feelings of doubt which weaken our faith.

The more we try to jump through hoops by ourselves, the more difficulty we will find things and the more dejected we may well feel. That can only break down our spirit and weaken our faith. But by ensuring that we actively seek knowledge through the Holy Spirit's teaching us, we are ensuring our future is built on a solid rock. That rock is Jesus.

Points to Ponder:
So you think you are clever?

Our knowledge of everything natural is nothing compared to God's understanding of a single atom!


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