Reading your Bible for Today February 15

February 15: 2 Timothy 2:8-13

KJV Key Verse: 2 Timothy 2:13
13 If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot* deny himself.

The first and foremost thing we need to remember is that Christ paid it all on the cross and rose again on the third day. We need to look up to Him as the Author and Finisher of our faith. No matter how much trouble we may face, it is going to be nothing compared to all Christ had to endure for our sakes. There was nothing physically special about the body of Christ in that it was a normal human body, born to Mary, so the suffering He endured was real!

Paul was a witness to the resurrection and he wanted Timothy to know everything was real. He reminded Timothy he had to face troubles of his own, even being bound in chains in prison. But no matter what he went through, the Word of God would never be bound. No matter what we go through, the Word of God is able to continue on. Death could not hold Christ back, and nothing is going to hold His Word back from reaching others.

Paul's suffering was because of the things he did whilst trying to reach others with the gospel. He did it all for other people's sakes so they may have the same chance that he had to get to know Christ. There was no way he was going to deny Christ after his conversion. Yet when things get tough for us, we often crumble under the stress and strain. We may even go as far as denying Christ just so we can survive another day.

What we have to remember is that our earthly death will only be the beginning of our heavenly lives; our lives with Christ. If we suffer here for His sake, He will be just and faithful to remember us in heaven. If we deny Him, He must be faithful and just to remember that too! Yet, no matter what we get up, no matter how many people deny Him and do not believe in Him, He is going to be faithful and just to be there waiting for us all – He cannot deny Himself!

Points to Ponder:
If everyone else did not know you, would you still exist?

How often do you deny Christ each day?


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