Reading your Bible for Today February 20

February 20: Proverbs 19:15-16

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 19:15
15 Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep; and an idle soul shall suffer hunger.

The worst thing about laziness is that it not only breaks people down physically because of lack of exercise, but it also breaks them down mentally and spiritually due to the lack of mental and spiritual exercise as well. Any lack of physical exercise shows up quickly on people as they gain weight or loose body definition. Mentally lazy people get shown up less quickly because they probably tend to stay away from mentally challenging situations. Spiritually lazy people take a while to get uncovered because they can continue to say the right things without meaning it! Lazy people will waste away their time, their talents, their usefulness and become a burden to others around them. Spiritually lazy people are no different on this front because they too do become a burden to those who continue in Christ's will.

When we become spiritually lazy, we are going to starve ourselves of the very thing which feeds our souls – God's Word. We no longer seek out and find God's Word but rather wait for others to bring it to us. We no longer exercise our faith but rather wait for things to happen and if they do not happen, we shrug them off. Falling into that trap is so easy but the longer we are trapped, the harder it becomes to get out of the trap! If we are not willing to work for a living, then we should not expect others to bend over backwards and supply us with everything we need. If we are not willing to seek God, then we should not expect Him to come running after us all the time!

God is faithful and just to everyone, but those who are willing to keep His commandments are assured of a much better relationship with Him. Those who are willing to never go out and seek the truth, will never find it. Those who never find the truth, will never find God. Those who never find God, will never get to heaven. We need exercise; physically to keep us healthy, mentally to keep us alert and spiritually to keep our relationship with Christ alive!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you skip church?

Is your spiritual health up to it?


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