Reading your Bible for Today February 23

February 23: Matthew 6:9-13

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 6:9
9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

After Jesus had shown His disciples how they should behave in doing their work for God and in praying to God, He went on to show them how they should pray; a prayer commonly known as The Lord's Prayer. First and foremost, when we pray, we have to remember just who we are praying to, God, our Father. We have to remember He is the one in heaven where we have had places prepared for us. We have to bow to Him in reverence and know that we shall join Him in heaven as He has promised. We have to remember that we should be trying to do His will here on earth.

How do we go about that? By seeking what He would have us receive each and every day – by seeking His Word, or our daily bread. He is willing to teach us every day so long as we are willing to listen. He wants us to learn His Gospel so we can show and explain it to others. He wants us to show others He is behind everything in our lives. For none of this is of any worth unless we know that God is behind it! With the knowledge He gives to us, we can then do what He would have us to do, to forgive those who do wrong against us just as we are taught that God is faithful and just to forgive us when we come to Him with contrite hearts.

We then need the guidance the Holy Spirit can give us so we are not lead into temptation. We are surrounded by temptation each day and if we did not know any better, we would be walking into every trap laid down by Satan and his followers. There are always going to be times when we do cave in to temptation and those are the times when we need to know that God is still behind us and can help us out of our situations. He is our King in heaven and He alone has that title. He alone has all power in the universe and to Him alone should all the glory be given, not just for today, but forever!

Points to Ponder:
If we can remember these points when we pray, our prayer will be effective!

If we desire mercy from God, then we need to show it here and now!


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