Reading your Bible for Today February 24

February 24: Matthew 6:19-24

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 6:24
24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot * serve God and mammon. 

We don't have to look far to realise just how much we do think of ourselves and just how much of our world revolves around ourselves. We like to think we are better off than others by surrounding ourselves with newer and better things than others have. We like to think we dress correctly according to fashion and even that we do have a reasonable fashion sense. Each one of these things is about comforting ourselves with earthly goods is some way or another. That sort of comfort will only last as long as the item or fashion we are dealing with – pretty soon things will break or fashions will go out, and we are left with little else but memories and more wanting.

Nothing we can gain on earth is going to help us to get to heaven. Nothing we can do on earth is going to get us to heaven. No riches or any manner of objects will gain us access past Christ who can see everything. Each one of the things we have on earth is only surrounding us in earthly ways; but we are living in the hour of grace where God has already given us a path to heaven and all we need do is to accept that path. When we try to figure out any other path to live by, we are seeking things we can do or things that we think that we can depend on. The problem being that all the things we seek have been made by man, been fashioned through human hands or through other earthly means. What this means is we can not go further than the designer or manufacturer.

If we are seeking something which is going to last forever or seeking comfort which we do not find in earthly means, then we need to look to the one who can supply that comfort. We need to look past our earthly desires and wants and look to God for everlasting life and comfort. We need to look for our original heavenly creator and designer! When we do find Him, we will know that nothing else can ever do!

Points to Ponder:
Do you like to keep in fashion?

How often do you keep up to date with God?


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