Reading your Bible for Today February 26

February 26: Matthew 5:17-20

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 5:17
17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Many are of the belief that various prophets have come to earth to expand on God's commandments, to renew them or even to replace them with more up to date versions. But as Christ explains here, He did not come to change the law in any way, but to explain it to us so we may be able to better follow it. He warns us nothing must ever be changed in His Word so that we continue to get it undiluted!

There is no way we will see God's true grace until we make the first move to repent of our sins. Once we make that first move, God is just and willing to forgive us of our sins just as He has promised in His Word. Jesus Christ has already gone to the cross to pay for each and every one of our sins. The earth continued after He died on the cross; it did not all come to an end. We all continue to live and learn because He is the one who is still in control of us all and He continues to make sure each and every thing written in His word comes to pass before this earth will come to its end. 

Christ came to show us how all the prophets of old were telling the truth and that we need to believe them. He expanded on the commandments to show us the meaning behind them in case we forget or dilute their meanings. He came to show us and teach us more so we would know that His promises stood forever and we would be the ones profiting from them if we stay by His side.

His warning that we should not break the commandments still remains. He did not remove any of the commandments; far from it. He wants us to go out and teach others of their true meaning and for that we will be called great in heaven! His warning about teaching false commandments is also stark; we will be called the least in heaven. We need to make sure we do keep God's commandments, for they stand forever. We need to make sure we keep His Word, for it stands forever! We may try to change things, but will not succeed. We may try to change His Word, but He continues to protect it through all generations!

Points to Ponder:
Are you a good example to others for God's commandments?

Do you follow His commandments in your heart or just on paper?


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