Reading your Bible for Today February 6

February 6: Proverbs 18:19-21

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 18:21
21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

The relationships we need to guard the most are those which are closest to us. Putting a spanner in the works in a close relationship is going to have a deeper and more far reaching affect than with one which is not so close. The closer we become to people, the more we need to ensure we do not offend them because the closer we are the more trust we place in each other and the more we depend on that trust. Breaking it will lead to a greater downfall than with someone you expect to do something wrong! But when close friends or relations do upset us, we need to try and forgive and forget as soon as we can to ensure we are not the ones driving the wedge into the relationship.

Our conscience (or belly as it is read) is going to be satisfied, or filled, with the things we say. The kinder we are to people, the more satisfied we will be. The more horrible we are, the more upset we are going to be with ourselves. Whether we like it or not, the things which we say are going to either show us up or win us through. Offending someone can be as simple as saying the wrong thing or talking out of turn. When we realise just what we have done, not only will it be offending or upsetting someone else, but it will be working against our spirits. We really do need to take care what we say and when we say it!

Saying the wrong thing in a strict society may well lead you into jail or far worse. You may well say the wrong thing and end up sentencing someone to death because of what you have said. I know that may sound extreme for those living in civilised societies, but living in a war-torn country is a totally different thing. A simple jest at an airport about a gun may well lead to a jail sentence, or at least a full body search by the police! Our lives are driven by what we say – giving Gods Word instead of insults can only help to save!

Points to Ponder:
How often do you put your foot in it with what you say?

Give God a thought before you speak next time...


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