Reading your Bible for Today February 9

February 9: Isaiah 40:27-31 

KJV Key Verse: Isaiah 40:28
28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.

It is often said there are two things which are certain in life, taxes and death. Well, so long as you continue to pay your taxes, you don't have an issue with them. But death has a habit of getting everyone and when we least expect it too! Having known God for a while, I am secure in the knowledge that He will take care of me when my body perishes. The only fear I have of death is how I will no longer be able to spread God's Word.

When we are faced with people who do not believe, it is very easy to get cross with them for closing off their minds to the truth and even history. It is so well laid down in the Bible and so easily explained how God is in control and He is our God; you wonder why they cannot see it! Just as Isaiah wrote reminding people of their past, reminding them where the names Jacob and Israel came from, we need to continue reminding people of our heritage. Isaiah knew the power of God, knew God is sufficient, knew that He would always give him strength – but so many around gave in to fears and returned to thinking how they could do things by themselves.

Even the youngest and the fittest amongst us will grow weary when they run around too much. That is how we see that our bodies have limits; when they stop, we stop! Even the most intelligent people amongst us must rest their brains from time to time. That is when we see that our brains may be the most amazing things ever created, but they have limits. God does not have these limits, He is not bound by strength nor knowledge. He alone can give everything to us to make sure we can continue in His work whilst we are here, knowing that we will be forever with Him when our mortal bodies finally give in!

We may feel great when things go right for us, but that is going to be nothing to what we will feel when we are released from these bodies and join Him in Heaven!

Points to Ponder:
Does not the most talkative person stop once in a while?

God's strength knows no limits. He alone is able!


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