What Are Some Of Things We Can Expect During This Final Revival

What Are Some Of Things We Can Expect During This Final Revival

1. Thousands coming to Christ in a single meeting (Acts 2:41; 4:4).

2. Great healings and massive miracles will be common (5:14-16

3. A deeper desire to live in obedience to God will rush upon us (Acts 5:29)

4. Entire cities will be filled with the doctrine of Christ (Acts 5:28)

5. A new boldness for evangelism will be apparent (Acts 4:31)

6. A great unity and harmony among genuine Christians (Acts 4:32, 15:25)

7.  Miraculous signs and wonders that defy all natural laws known to man (Acts 5:12; 8:13; 14:3)

8. The dead will be raised! (Acts 9:40-43)

9. Christians' faces will be the glory of God (Acts 6:15)

10. The world will be not be able to resist the wisdom and spirit of born again, spirit filled Christians (Acts 6:10)

11. Lay people. Who flow in the spirit, will be full of faith and power and will do wonders and miracles! (Acts 6:8)

12. The occult and false cults will lose members because of the powerful preaching of the Gospel! (Acts 8)

13. Some Christians will be supernaturally transported from one place to another by the Spirit of the Lord (Acts 13:8:36)

14 millions of believers will be received the baptism of Holy Ghost and will speak in Heavenly tongues never learned with the intellect (Acts 10:44; 19:1-6)

15. Divine discipline will return to the Church and will be exercised on all impurity and hypocrisy (Acts 5:1-11)

16.  Entire cities will receive the Word of God in single day. There will be cities many thought could never be saved (Acts 8:1-14)

17. False prophets will be exposed and dealt with severely by true men of God (Acts 13:4-12)

18. Some churches, with vision and purpose, will be lighthouse to their communities, and the day will come when almost the entire city will gather to hear God's Word (Acts 13:44, 47-49)

19. Some Spirit-filled Churches will become so full of faith and well-established, God will increase their membership daily (Acts 16:5)

20. Committed, praying Christians will be more and more led by the Holy Spirit and receive Marvelous revelation from God's Word (Acts 13:2, 16:6-7; 19:20)



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