Creator: Elohim

 ​by Diane Stortz, from I Am Devotional

 You always matter to God. You always have and you always will. - from I Am Devotional

Editor’s note: Children will learn to trust God in everything as they learn about the names and character of God in the I Am Devotional: 100 Devotions about the Names of GodThrough 100 devotions, children will see how God’s names reflect His love, strength, trustworthiness... and what that means as they develop a strong faith. 

You Are Loved 

See how very much our Father loves us, for He calls us His children, and that is what we are! — 1 John 3:1 NLT

God, your Creator, loves you so much that He never stops thinking about you. In fact, He was thinking about you even before you were born! 

King David wrote, 

You saw my bones being formed as I took shape in my mother’s body. When I was put together there, You saw my body as it was formed. All the days planned for me were written in Your book before I was one day old. — Psalm 139:15-16 ICH

But there’s more. God was thinking about you even before He made the world! Even before Creation began, God planned to send Jesus to save you! God planned to send Jesus at just the right time to take the punishment for everyone’s sin (the ways we disobey God) so we can live with God forever. Everyone who believes Jesus is God’s Son becomes part of God’s family, one of His forever kids. 

Sometimes when things don’t go right, you might feel small — like you are just a kid and don’t matter. But you always matter to God. You always have, and you always will. 

God is your Creator. He made you, He cares about you, and He sent Jesus to save you. That’s how much you matter. That’s how much you are loved! 

Dear God, I’m so glad to know You love me and I matter to you! Thank you for planning to send Jesus to be my Savior even before the world began! I love you, God. Amen. 

•    How does it feel to know that God loves you and how much you matter to Him? 

•    Are there people at school or on your street who need to know they matter to God? How could you tell them about God’s love? What would you say?

Do you know how loved you are by God, our Creator? He’s thinking about you right this very minute! Why not stop and talk to the God who loves you so much? Then,


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