Love Gives

from The Gift of Jesus, edited by Johnny HuntHow completely does God love you? He demonstrated the depth of His love in His gift of Jesus.

What God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. — John 3:16

How completely does God love you?

He demonstrated the depth of His love in His gift of Jesus, who is the “author and finisher” of your faith (Hebrews 12:2). Jesus perfectly revealed God’s heart by living a sinless life on this earth for you and then dying as the atoning sacrifice for your sins.

From the beginning, our holy God knew that we were incapable of living a pure and sinless life, so He sent Jesus to show us the way. Jesus did not hesitate or say no to the Father, and He gave His life so that we could be forgiven for our sins and be given everlasting life with Him, the Holy Spirit, and the Father.

Because of His love for you, God daily blesses you with life. Because of His love for you, Jesus opens the door to eternal life when you name Him your Savior and Lord. So, acting in God’s perfect love, reach out to other people who do not know Him. Think of ways you can share His love with the people around you. Take a moment and write down the names of four people you know.

With those four people in mind, pray this prayer:

Father, thank You for revealing Your complete love for me. Show me how to show Your love to these people. Teach me how to express Your love to them through my words and deeds. Bless them as they go about their daily tasks, and draw them to You for comfort and rest. Meet their deepest needs and heal their hidden hurts so that they will know Your love in a very personal and life-changing way. Thank You, Lord. Amen.

Who are you praying for today? Who in your life has yet to meet Jesus as their personal Savior?


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