Reading your Bible for Today March 10

March 10: Hosea 14:1-3

KJV Key Verse: Hosea 14:2
2 Take with you words, and turn to the LORD: say unto him, Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously: so will we render the calves of our lips.

You would think that after such a thing as the great flood, people would have no problem believing in God and responding to everything He wants in our lives... Yet we so quickly forget things when we are no longer in trouble – or at least when we think we are not. Time seems to allow our minds to wander off into realms we know are not right, yet over time we wander further and further each day. Each day we spend away from God is a day spent in wandering farther from the truth, until we suddenly hit a brick wall or something happens in our lives to make us take notice of where we are. Lost.

That is when we turn to someone for help! We find we have finally reached the limit of our strength or understanding and we now need help! If we are brave enough we are going to do the right thing and admit to our mistakes before asking for help. If we are wise enough, we are going to take it straight to someone we know can make a difference and trust Him to make that difference. There is a big difference between simply admitting your faults and asking for forgiveness and getting things right with God. We need to take our words and deliver them in person to God, praying with all earnestness knowing our heart-felt words are as good as the sacrifices were of old – so long as we really do mean them. A sacrifice for the sake of it is as bad as a prayer for the sake of it.

There will be a time when we do finally realise that no matter what we can do, nothing is going to make a difference. At that time, we need to make sure we take our problems to God where He can and will make a difference. We have to make sure we go to Him with open hearts, willing to accept whatever He gives to us because He alone is the one who knows what we actually do need in our lives. None of our riches or personal strengths are going to count for anything when we face Him, alone.

Points to Ponder:
Do you admit to doing wrong to friends?

Why should we treat God any differently when we know we have done wrong against Him?


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