Reading your Bible for Today March 11

March 11: Romans 11:33-36 

KJV Key Verse: Romans 11:36
36 For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen.

If you are searching for help, wisdom or understanding, who better to give that to you than the first, the alpha, our creator? The apostle Paul was a man who knew so much about God's Word, He continued to be a pillar upon which many churches were built and he also gave us so many writings which are included in our bibles nowadays... yet he was one to confess that he was at a loss to know the enormity of God's kingdom and His wisdom. This is the same God who has told us we need to bring our petitions to Him in person.

We can never hope to understand His ways, neither to be able to search how deep His love for us or understanding of us goes. Yet He is faithful to listen to each one of our prayers and to answer them as best as He knows how to. Although we cannot understand how anyone could live outside of time, He does. Although we cannot understand how He can be everywhere, He is. His truth is written in the bible so we may know it; we may not be able to understand how it is possible, but He would have us believe Him through how He has inspired others to write about Him – giving us some sort of understanding of how wonderful a counsellor He is.

Nobody has taught Him, because He was the first. Nobody has given things to Him which He has required, because He first gave first. He owes nothing to anybody, because He has given it all. It is all because of God that we exist. It is all because of His love that we survive on a planet within a universe which cannot otherwise sustain life. It is to Him we all owe everything and because of this all, we need to remember that all glory should be given to Him and Him alone!

All of the truth is written in the bible so we can remember it and learn from it in order for us to begin to understand just how wonderful and awesome a God we do have. That way we can fully believe and trust Him for everything knowing just how much more He knows than us!

Points to Ponder:
Which person do you look up to for knowledge?

Why look anywhere else other than God for spiritual wisdom?


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