Reading your Bible for Today March 12

March 12: Proverbs 20:4-5

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 20:4
4 The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.

No matter how much searching you do to be able to find wisdom, there is still going to be times when you have to stop searching and actually do something. Farmers continue to have to plough their fields and sow the seeds each year during the late winter in order for their crops to have the best possible times for growing. Any farmer who looks outside and decides it is too cold or too hot to do any work may well end up missing the boat and have nothing to show for his laziness at his harvest time!

Just like farmers, we too have work to do and we too have a timetable to keep to. We may be new to the job and not know the timetable – at those times we have to learn from those around us; be willing to learn from them and then willing to step forward and do the work. Those who are not willing to step forward and work may well find themselves lacking something when the time comes. We need to take both our new-found wisdom and our willingness to work and apply them together to make the best of any situation we may face.

If the only water you have in your village is in a deep well, then you need to know the water is down there, have the wisdom to get it back out with a bucket on a rope and the willingness to step forward and do the work to get the water back. Without any one of those links in the chain, you will not get at your life-line. Any carelessness during that time may well end you up in the same problem as being lazy.

Each of us have knowledge and wisdom given to us by God. We have daily guidance from the Holy Spirit. We have health and vitality given by God too. But if we are lacking in anything due to our being lazy, then we have nobody else to blame for any shortcomings, but ourselves. We need to apply things in our lives to make sure we do make the most of what God has given to each one of us; and to do it before it is too late!

Points to Ponder:
What do you think of lazy friends?

What do you think God thinks of your work?


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