Reading your Bible for Today March 25

March 25: Acts 1:6-11

KJV Key Verse: Acts 1:8
8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

Man has this insatiable desire to know everything in the universe. We find out things and we need to know more. We get told things and we need to know why. Whilst most things are there to be learned by us, there are some things which God has told us that we do not need to know – the main one being that we do not need to know when Christ is returning, just that He is.

Christ has promised to give us the knowledge that we need in order to take the gospel out to others. He has promised us the Holy Spirit to guide us and to teach us from His Word. He has given us His Word and promised it will last throughout time. He has delivered on each of these promises. He has promised He will return – so we need to live knowing He will deliver on that promise as well.

The disciples were allowed to witness many things which went on in Christ's life so they could build up the church based on His Word and an eye witness account. He wanted the first church builders to be strong and faithful and teach how His promises will be delivered. He gave them instructions to go out into all the world and teach that gospel. He had already told them He would return and the angels beside Him as He rose gave witness to that event as well. What they did not do was to say the date upon which everything would happen. For that we have to have faith it will happen because Christ has said it will.

There are not too many people in our lives who can say something and we can depend on it being followed all the way. Most people are flexible with what they promise because we live in a changing world and we think that offers us an excuse to change as well. God created and maintains this world – which is why we can know He will do exactly what He has said. He will return. Make sure you are ready.

Points to Ponder:
Do you always believe everything you are told by others?

Do you know of anything in the bible that is not true?


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