Reading your Bible for Today March 27

March 27: Proverbs 20:27

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 20:27
27 The spirit of man is the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts of the belly.

Each one of us, whether we like it or not, has been designed by God. Each of us has a spirit that has been placed inside of us so we can have consciousness. I'm not talking of the Holy Spirit, but our own spirit. God created each of us with a spirit so we will be able to reason, to understand, to make our own decisions. That spirit is like a lamp which will allow us to discover ourselves, how we work, how we function. It also gives us understanding of others so we may understand other people as well.

We were created in God's image to have this spirit as our discerning power. God wanted each of us to be able to see how glorious a design He had come up with so we would know just how much He loves us. The spirit He created within us is there to allow us to glorify Him for His marvellous works. Our spirit is self-conscious. We are able to search into and understand our souls, our very lives. With that much understanding and ability to see into so much, we need to make sure that what is found by our spirits is good and praiseworthy or we will be damaging our own spirits, bringing them down to the level of the world around us. We also need a guide to show us through this maze – The Holy Spirit.

When we are saved by God's grace, we have the Holy Spirit within us. The big difference between the Holy Spirit and our own spirit is that of sin. We still have our sin nature which will put up with sin in our lives, even introduce sin into our lives. The Holy Spirit cannot abide sin. Yet, just like our spirit, the Holy Spirit can see everything and can understand even more than we can. When we do sin, we are forcing the Holy Spirit into a corner within us whilst our spirit gets involved.

We need to try our best to follow God’s commandments so we can live as close as possible to Gods way in our lives. That way we grieve the Holy Spirit as little as possible. When we live right, we allow our own spirit to seek and search freely, understanding more and more as we are taught by the Holy Spirit and letting Gods light shine within us.

Points to Ponder:
Who gets hurt when you know you are doing wrong?

Are you living for God or against God?


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