Reading your Bible for Today March 28

March 28: 1 Corinthians 2:10-16

KJV Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 2:11
11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God.

Just as we have our spirit, God has the Holy Spirit... but that is where the comparison stops! Each of us can begin to understand what we are all about and understand our thoughts and even know what we should be doing. But what we cannot ever hope to do is to have that same understanding of anyone else. We can study them and take guesses at what they are thinking and even get good at making those guesses, but the true thoughts of that person are hidden from us. God, on the other hand, knows our every thought.

Each of the disciples were taught by Jesus, they were physically taught by Him. We do not have that luxury of having a physical teacher with us all the time, but we do have the Holy Spirit who is willing to teach us everything as long as we listen. When I was at school, everyone sat quietly and listened in our classes or we would get punished. Nowadays the classroom seems to be moving more to the way where the students have a choice as to whether they want to listen or not. That brings on a problem because some choose never to listen and hence not to learn.

We have received our spirit from God, our Creator. We have also access to the Holy Spirit. Neither are spirits of the world. There is nothing of spiritual importance we can learn from the world. That must come from God, our creator. In order to learn that, we learn from God's Word with assistance from the Holy Spirit. We do have the choice as to whether we are going to listen or not, but we will never learn anything unless we do listen!

Unfortunately, many people are going to choose not to listen and hence, never to learn. The understanding of the bible will never get through to them; it will remain a mystery because they choose to ignore those spiritual lessons. Yet God continues to be faithful and listens to everything we do through His Spirit. We can learn as much as we can listen...

Points to Ponder:
Do you like it when people distract you in class so you cannot learn?

Are you letting your spirit learn from the right places?


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