Reading your Bible for Today March 29

March 29: 2 Peter 1:16-21

Key Verse: 2 Peter 1:21
for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.

If we were to take just the Old Testament, we would be in a very sorry state. God's Law is written down in length and the payment for so many of those laws was harsh; yet those same laws are now flouted each day and breaking them is becoming part of society, even law. Man has twisted the truth to suit his own needs, making Gods Law of no effect to himself – little does he know what he will be facing come Christ's return!

When Christ came to earth He did not say that all of the laws written down by Moses and the prophets were to no effect; rather He used them to show just what we are, to show us just where we have gone wrong in our lives. The disciples were taught by word of mouth, straight from the mouth of our Lord Jesus Christ. They did not have need of the scriptures but that did not stop them from learning them to find out about themselves and God. Christ wants each of us to come to terms with just what sort of people we are in His sight. It is only after we learn just how He sees us that we can then know what He feels. What we will not fully grasp is just how much He loves us from the Old Testament. That is shown by His example, how He willingly went to the cross as our perfect sacrifice so we would no longer have to pay for our sins.

God the Father spoke the words “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” What other proof would they need that Christ is the Son of God? The writers have written the scriptures so we may know what they have been through was just the beginning; God wants us to know what they have been through was for our benefit. The gospel writers went through things so they would be our eye witnesses to know Christ was and is real and He is our Saviour! What they have written is not up for private interpretation but must be taken as how it has been written. Just as Moses was instructed to write things down in the early days, so the disciples and others have written down more chapters in our bibles so we may know the truth that they were able to witness first hand.

Points to Ponder:
How many of God's Laws can you name?

How many of those have you taken to Christ in prayer?


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