Reading your Bible for Today March 30

March 30: 2 Timothy 3:16-17

KJV Key Verse: 2 Timothy 3:16
16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

The more you read the bible, the more you find out. I continue to have new things revealed to me each time I read my bibles – most of the time is spent with my bible on the computer where I can cross-reference things with the click of a mouse. We need to make sure that our bibles do not sit around gathering dust or being placed in a drawer and forgotten. The prophets and apostles did not write everything down just so we could forget about it! They diligently had scribes write down each thing which was revealed to them so others may be able to learn. Little did they know that their words would be read and spoken by people thousands of years later and even spoken by computers!

No matter what situation you find yourself in, there will be words of comfort, guidance, rebuke, encouragement and more in God's Word. He intended for us to be able to call upon His Word at any time so that we may find our answers. If we find it hard to follow at first then we should ask Him to help explain it to us – before long we too will be finding more information through His Word.

To those who do not know Christ, I am sure it must seem a daunting task to be able to read the bible. I know I did find it hard to figure out what it was saying until someone took the time to explain things to me (not for the first time!). It was only then that I was able to understand more of it. I know in my teenage years and as a young adult I was too lazy and did not read it regularly. Not surprisingly I did lose track of things and had a hard time following Gods will in my life. But reading His Word has helped me to concentrate on what is important in my life... God!

If we want to be sure of being able to walk a closer life with Christ, then we have to get down and do a bit of learning so we can find out where we should be walking!

Points to Ponder:
What was the last scripture that you read by choice?

How much does God do for you in your life... by choice?


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