Reading your Bible for Today March 5

March 5: Proverbs 19:18

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 19:18
18 Chasten thy son while there is hope, and let not thy soul spare for his crying.

Whilst this is a verse that clearly reminds parents to take care of matters concerning children's misbehaviour, it also has much that we can all learn by. The first, and obvious point being the most effective time to discourage bad behaviour is when it is happening and not after any length of time. This does not just apply to parents and children, but to anyone you are involved in any way with. If their behaviour is unbecoming of a Christian, then they need to know about it there and then. If they get away with it for any time at all, they will think it is ok – or at least ok some of the time... And the more they do it, the more they themselves will be drawn in by that sin or bad behaviour! If you see a weed in the garden, you try to pluck it out as soon as it appears, not wanting it to take root in case it spreads. Why should we do anything else to misbehaviour in our lives?

The second is that sin is always going to have an excuse. If we give in to those excuses, then we are giving in to sin as well. We are allowing the problem to continue instead of doing something about it there and then! Those excuses are normally thought up on the spur of the moment. If you analyse the excuse in any way it will break down. Comparing the excuse to what God would have you do in your life will allow you to see what is wrong! Giving in to those excuses is only going to encourage the behaviour again, followed by the same excuse!

Put up with a little pain in the beginning so the matter can be dealt with immediately rather than having to revisit the matter on numerous occasions after the fact. Is it not better to have to put up with a little pain when the matter arises than to have to put up with worse pain when the matter comes face to face with magistrates or higher authorities? God does discourage us from leaping into our sinful lives, but far too many people continue to ignore every warning and will have to look at their judge face to face one day!

Points to Ponder:
Do you stand up for what is right amongst friends?

Do you think you can get away with anything with God watching?


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