Reading your Bible for Today March 7

Tuesday 7 Mar 2017

March 7: Psalm 90:7-11

Key Verse: Psalm 90:11
Who knows the power of Your anger? For as the fear of You, so is Your wrath.

If we do want to learn true wisdom, then we have to pray for that to be given to us through the Holy Spirit. There is no higher authority or better teacher than God. Why should we then settle for any less a teacher than Him? But just like a good parent, He is going to have to make sure we do listen sometimes. He is not going to hold back His anger just to make sure we have a peaceful life. He knows what lies ahead and wants to make sure we have the best possible coaching for that journey ahead.

If we are not going to listen to His anger, we will never learn from our mistakes because we will never know that they are mistakes; but even if we do, we will get used to doing them through repetition and ignore God’s warnings. He has made sure our lifespan is set to a reasonably short time (when compared with lifespans before the flood) to make sure we take time to think about our lives and about Him. Can you imagine how your parents would feel if you rebelled against them for your whole life? When we do something wrong with or against our friends or family, we normally know we are doing wrong... the difference comes in whether we care we are doing wrong!

We do need to confess our sins against God, just as we should be honest and open with our friends. We need to keep in contact with Him and allow His to guide us in our lives. We live in a world where most people are trying to hide their sins from God, or simply don't care about those sins – or worse still, they do not know they are sinning because they have never been told!

If we think we know how our parents can react when they get angry about what we do, we have seen nothing yet! Personally, I would not like to be on the receiving end of God's wrath!

Points to Ponder:
Do you dump friends that let you know when you do wrong?

Are you keeping God out of your life because of your hidden sins?


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