Reading your Bible for Today March 8

March 8: Psalm 90:12-17

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 90:17
17 And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it.

I thought I would continue here in this Psalm just to let it be a reminder that we do need to have the right attitude towards God. We really need to sit up and think about what He means in our lives so we can not only make a difference to our lives, but also have a good relationship with Him. The only way we are going to be able to do that is by listening to and growing in His Word. We need to be willing receivers of His Word and His will in our lives.

What would it be like if you were playing a team ball game of some kind and half of the players on your team just did not want to receive the ball? They continued to run around on the field, but when the ball came towards them, they would run the other way! I think you may well find your team would not win! You may also have a few people on your team who seem to be playing their own game and will not involve anyone else around them! If we are not willing to participate in our life with God, then we are not going to be helping anyone – least of all ourselves!

Our relationship with God is so much more than just a ball game though – we have to make sure we have a personal relationship with Him and that we are willing to listen to His instruction. He is faithful and just to listen to our prayers and requests, but we need to be willing to listen to His answers. He is the one who knows what we really need in our lives and we need to remember that fact! We may not like some of His answers because of our vanity or pride, but we do need to listen to Him!

If we really want God in our lives, we need to find out what the “game plan” is, find out what the goals are, and be willing to join in in every team event that He has planned for our lives. We need to work with God and not against Him as so many people do seem to like doing nowadays!

Points to Ponder:
Do you join in with team players or play your own game?

Do you join in with Gods work, or play you own game?


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