Reading your Bible for Today March 9

March 9: Genesis 8:15-22 

KJV Key Verse: Genesis 8:20
20 And Noah builded an altar unto the LORD; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar.

God has remembered those who remember Him in their lives right from the beginning of time. Whilst the timing and validity of the book of Genesis is always going to be a centre of controversy between Christians and scientists, we can stand on our knowledge that God has preserved His Word so we may learn what He has done for us from the beginning of time. We can learn how He has kept control over the whole earth before and after His great flood. The single action which stands out for me here is what Noah did as soon as he got off the ark.

I am sure Noah and His family were very glad to be able to get a bit of fresh air and be able to walk around on dry ground again. You would think that the first thing he would be interested in doing was re-creating his life with his family. But the bible tells us something different. Noah knew exactly who has done everything during the time of the flood. He knew how God had prepared Him to continue on and rebuild the human race from scratch. So, the first thing Noah did was to build an altar to the Lord and to take what little supplies he had and offer the best sacrifice he could to God.

Noah knew God must come first and that their survival was dependent upon God. He knew God had continued to protect them during the flood and he knew God alone would be the one who would deliver them. That is why Noah showed God He came first in his life. He started out with the right attitude and God noticed that. God promised that whilst the earth remained (i.e. Up until the time He destroys this first earth with fire) there would continue to be four seasons and we would continue to thrive. God knew we still had that sin nature, but He was also pleased with Noah's attitude. We now no longer have to offer up sacrifices, but to offer up our prayers, our devotion and our time to Him. It is not a lot He has asked for in return for His continued love towards us.

Points to Ponder:
Do you keep your friends in mind through good and bad times?

How much of your time do you devote to God?


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