The Immovable Force of God's Love
from The Beautiful Word Devotional
The good news is this: right now you can turn toward His radical love. — The Beautiful Word Devotional
Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away. — Song of Songs 8:7
God’s love is an immovable force, a bountiful feast that never runs out. His love is fixed and assured. Why? Because God is not only the Originator of love, but He is love. Love is His very nature. When we read about love in 1 Corinthians 13, we remember that God’s love encompasses all those traits: patience, kindness, hope, endurance, and more.
You cannot outrun His love. Nor can you hide from it. His love for you is constant and ever present. He relentlessly pursues you, your heart, your dreams.
But He also gives you freedom. Why? Because He loves you.
So what happens if you do run the other way? And what happens when you try to hide?
He loves you so much that He won’t violate your will. He will allow your wanderings.
The good news is this: right now you can turn toward His radical love. Let go of your rebellion, and then ask Him to show you the kind of love that waters can’t quench or rivers sweep away.
Lord, I need that kind of love in my life — the kind that doesn’t ever end, amen.
Holy week is about Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. It’s about our salvation through Jesus. It’s about His radical gift of love. The love you cannot lose.
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