Reading your Bible for Today April 11

April 11: Proverbs 21:13 

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 21:13
13 Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also shall cry himself, but shall not be heard.

Nowadays with so called professional beggars on the streets it is difficult to know exactly who is in need. But one thing we need to remember is that if we have the means, we should be helping those who are in need. I'm not saying we should only help people out if we are rich... because many people just need someone to talk to or a bit of a hand with doing something. Ignoring someone just because you don't think they deserve it is very dangerous – we are then becoming a judge against those people and placing ourselves over them.

Christ has given us the edict to love our neighbours as ourselves and to that we should aspire. We should be looking out for everyone to see if they are in need and helping out whenever we can. It is not just being 'neighbourly' but following Gods commandment. He wants to know we are willing to help each other out so if we, ourselves, do get into trouble, we will be able to count on help from those around us too. The more we are willing to help others, the more they will be willing to help us. The more they see we are genuine about our concern for them, the more they will be willing to believe our concern for their souls is just as genuine.

Quite often we will not know when someone is in need until they actually ask for help because they do not wish to have people know they are in need. People are often embarrassed to admit they do need help. Being there for people and letting them know they can come to you and ask without being embarrassed is important; it reflects the love which God has for us. God is always there for each of us. He is always willing to help and does not want us to not go to Him for anything. Knowing we have a loving Saviour who is always willing is ever comforting.

Points to Ponder:
Do you always help friends and family?

Do you always expect God to help you?


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