Reading your Bible for Today April 12

April 12: Luke 18:9-14

KJV Key Verse: Luke 18:9
9 And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:

We are blinded by so many things in life, but none more so than pride. There are so many verses in the bible warning us about the pitfalls of being proud, of the dangers of letting pride take over, yet we still continue in our lives as proud as ever. If we were to listen to the world we would be told we need to be proud in order to get anything done in our lives. But the subtle differences between being proud in God and being proud of yourself are never separated by the world. Even some churches have taught how we need to be proud, or we have to be a proud nation without saying exactly who we should be proud of. This is dangerous ground.

The parable of the Pharisee and the publican shows a subtle difference in how each man can carry his pride too far. The Pharisee held up his religion, his actions, his works, and yet never once humbled himself before his God. He upheld all that he did and stood for rather than what God stood for. He believed that because of all the 'good' he was doing, he had a secure place in God's arms. I am sure he truly believed in what he was doing... The publican, on the other hand, knew he was doing wrong, knew he had issues and bowed down before God and asked for forgiveness from his heart.

That big difference is simply how the publican spoke from his true feelings as God had inclined him to, but the Pharisee spoke of his actions in his own sight. The publican gave in to God's will and humbled himself, knowing in his heart that he was wrong. The Pharisee upheld his actions and thought in his heart he was righteous because he could show it through what he was doing. God does not want to see how good you are, nor how much you can do for Him, nor how you compare against others. He simply wants to know you hold Him high in your heart, that your feelings for Him are true and come from the heart. Be proud that He is your God and not what you think you are... Trust in Him and not yourself...

Points to Ponder:
Do you compare yourself to others?

Why should we when God does not?


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