Reading your Bible for Today April 17
April 17: Romans 13:11-14
KJV Key Verse: Romans 13:13
13 Let us walk honestly,as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying.
It is not just our human laziness that is drawing us away from God, but our conceited pride too. The longer we continue to give in to it, the longer we will be separated from God. Now is the time to wake up to the fact we have issues. Now is the time to get things sorted. Why continue to put things off when we know there is something amiss in our lives? Pride is one of those things which will continue to keep us away from admitting to problems and facing up to them. Pride keeps us from putting on God's armour when we know we are going in to battle. Pride keeps us from walking by His side when He invites us. We just think we know better all the time and continue to do things our own way...
It is as though the day is dawning and we are not ready for anything on this day. It is as though we have been given a task and have put it aside far too long. We do need to take off the blinkers we have on and face up to the situations that we are coming up against. But let not those same situations cripple us with fear because we have a partner who is willing to take on those things we fear. We have a partner who is willing to carry us when we cannot walk. A Partner who is willing to protect us from what we face... so long as we are willing to call Him our partner and walk with Him.
There are so many things we can do to ensure we do walk closely with Christ... Simply being honest with our situations and with our feelings towards Him is the first starting point to reach. When we can face Him with honesty, then we can cast aside our pride within ourselves and trust in His strength and in His wisdom rather than our own. Admitting we need a Saviour is what He wants for each of us so that He can help us...
Points to Ponder:
Do you ask for help from friends when you need it?
Do you admit your dependence on Christ even when you think you don't need it?
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