Reading your Bible for Today April 2

Sunday 2 Apr 2017

April 2: Psalm 37:21-27

Key Verse: Psalm 37:24
Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand.

The Lord has given us the commandments and Law so we will be able to do justly, and that we will be able to follow His will as best we can. But due to our sin nature, we will always be falling off the ladder and having to climb back on again. Just how often we do will depend on how we work with God in our lives. If we are going to make Him central to our lives, then we stand a better chance at actually being able to follow His will more often than not!

But when the time comes for us to trip up and slip back into our earthly ways, we are still going to have to pay the price for what we do... God is not going to spare us from having to pay our earthly debts, He is not going to spare us from having to do our work... We have an earthly commitment which we have to live up to. We are the ones who have messed things up. But He is the one who will give us the grace to accept what we have done, the wisdom to try and straighten things out quickly and the blessings to be able to cope with things as well. But we have got to make sure we focus on Him and not ourselves!

When king David wrote this Psalm, he was no longer a young man, but still his outlook was that of a faithful servant. He had seen many things happen in his life and each of those around him who had trusted Christ were better off than those who had not. Maybe not materially, but certainly spiritually. We, each of us, are blessed every day with the wonderful things in earth around us. The sooner we see just how much God is giving us each and every day, the quicker we will realise that we do not have to seek after earthly treasures because He is already giving us the treasures we need! We need not look to our bank accounts to see how we are blessed, but simply to look out the window and see the exquisite world He has created for us to live within!

Points to Ponder:
Who do you look at as being the luckiest person you know?

Have you tried to count the blessings God has given you today?


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